Dave Joins the Circus

Dave Joins the Circus

Dave Joins the Circus

Circus tricks keeps kids activeAs part of our community engagement program last Saturday we were happy to sponsor the Sensory Circus Tribe in conjunction with the Mackay Regional Councils Active In The City program for free Circus Skills Training at the Old Town Hall Park. Kids of all ages showed up and judging and a very good time was had by all who attended. Airconresi is happy to help provide an outlet for people to enjoy some fresh air, sunshine and roll around in the grass over the next 8 weeks. Also we may have also inadvertently provided some free babysitting which I’m sure was appreciated by the parents and nearby shops.

Already our staff are busy roping in friends and cousins in preparation for the next session. We even have one documented case of someone borrowing a child so they will have an excuse to join in. In fact it was so popular we even made the local paper and the local TV news, although we suspect it might also have been a slow news day.

Circus skills have some great advantages when it comes to early development in raising self-esteem and confidence, help with fundamental team work skills and provides excellent brain, coordination and strength balance training. We look forward to the next event and hopefully we can draw more of a crowd as the sessions continue over Autumn.

On a sad note after such a good time we think our young Dave will be running off to join the circus in the near future.

If you feel like getting involved the next three sessions will be,

Saturday 6 April, 9am-11am, Old Town Hall Park
Saturday 20 April, 9am-11am, Old Town Hall Park
Saturday 4 May, 9am-11am, Old Town Hall Park

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