19 Dec Vermin Strike
Sadly it’s that time of year when Air Conditioners get turned on to calm the effects of Summer, only to find out that you’ve been the victim of Vermin Strike. This can be rats chewing wires, wasps blocking pipes, mice destroying filters, ants infesting everything, or even geckos and frogs shorting circuit boards. As you can imagine this spells doom for your air conditioner, to top that off Vermin Strike isn’t covered by the manufacturer warranty.
Air Conditioners are particularly susceptible to this, a large shady box with an abundance of water is a magnet to all creatures small and smaller. Just yesterday the Airconresi boys we’re dealing with a extremely nasty unit which had taken countless frogs lives. You would have thought by the 10th corps the other frogs would have suspected something was wrong. Sadly no, they just kept coming inside to meet their doom almost like they were hell bent on destroying this poor air conditioner. Their was however one survivor who was rescued and given a small lecture on the dangers of electricity before being release into the wild.
After all this doom and gloom I can tell you there is a bright side. Most manufactures are producing vermin proof circuitry on their units. It’s a very good idea to check if a new unit has this feature before you purchase it. Regular servicing can pick up potential infestations before they get to big. Especially during the dry winter as freshly mature creepy crawlies are looking for a new home. We even have a simple organic method to keep unwanted visitors out of you outdoor unit until your next service. Unlike most things in life this comes free with just about everything we do.
Surviving frog behind a compressor |
Released Back Into The Wild |